I have so many posts in my head, but between the pain meds and utter difficulty being in a comfortable position to write, I figured I'd just out out a quickie to let you know how it went.
- The three weeks before leave were intensely stressful as I tried so hard to get things as ready as possible for my sub. That meant roughly 3 days per week bring at school until 6-7 pm. Exhausting. It really sucks that I'm missing almost all of my IEP meetings; that is my biggest stressor.
- My sub is amazing. I left with full confidence that he would take great care of my kids. He has sent me videos of each student presenting their final Giver project. They absolutely adore him and he is keeping us connected, which is such a gift.
- The actual surgery went well. I had insane anxiety the day before and the day of, but it went well and some things went better. More on that later. I spent the night and pain management was excellent.
- I did have to fight for it, annoyingly, but I did get the gabapentin and celebrex at discharge that made such a difference when I finally got them last time.
- Initially I was doing great -- far more mobile and independent than last time.
- Initially is the key word. Last Friday I developed an allergic skin reaction to the wound covering glue. I had to go to an in person appointment, and they didn't want to remove it early (usually 2.5 weeks ish, or when it falls off), but the reaction necessitated it. So then I got 9 steri strips (mini blinds for my incision!) with the assurance that the adhesive is different.
- Not different enough. I am looking at a course of steroids (noooooo, devil pills!). The rash is spreading. Ugh.
- Over the weekend, my back started to bother me. And my butt, like sciatica. I had pain radiating down my leg and up to where my kidney is. So I was terrified that the meds were making my kidney fail. Ha. Nope, my piriformis muscle deep in my ass is seizing, and it's impacting the sciatic nerve and so much more.
- Monday I called the home healthcare nurse line about the pain, which was eclipsing my knee pain. She suggested I call my Ortho office and get a muscle relaxer. Sounds easy, right? Ortho nurse said "we don't treat backs" and I said "but it's my back/butt BECAUSE OF THE KNEE," and she said regardless they don't prescribe for back pain, I'd have to call my primary care. Oh yes, because that went great the last time I needed medication related to my major surgery. His office said I'd have to come in in person because drugs.
- I made an appt but also had PT this morning and wanted to see her thoughts. She was awesome and took me through stretches and adjusting my gait and the placement of my Range of Motion bike. It was a relief. I'm going with those functional things and I cancelled my doctor's appointment because I didn't want another med anyway. And the anticipation of uninformed discussion of my pain management plan was causing me not a little anxiety and overwhelm.
So...better, then worse, PTs are the bomb.com, and Bryce is an amazing support. My dad, too, who has been able to be pinch hitter when meetings clash with appointments, which is pretty much always.
Guess that wasn't short but here it is. Tomorrow I get my nifty mobile standing desk thingy that looks amazing and will allow me to type on my laptop in comfort, on the couch or in bed. Tomorrow is two weeks from surgery. It feels like a freaking lifetime. But still, in most ways, better than last time.