Can't Get a Break

Behold. My new sassy footwear accessory for the next few weeks, at least. 

I am not in school for at least the next few days because I can't put any weight on my right foot, because I badly sprained my ankle and top of my foot. My right foot. My driving foot. 

I had x-rays galore Saturday morning at my orthopedic office's urgent care, and they didn't detect any fractures, which is good. Except Sunday I was walking in the boot and then sat down and then got up and holy moly it felt like something had moved WRONG. I took the boot off and my foot was way swollen along the right side of my foot up through my ankle, and so I am worried that something I did...did more to my foot. 

Oh, and the magic number is 50. They are required to ask you if you could be pregnant until you turn 50, or they notice in your chart that you don't have the required parts. I asked because they didn't ask this time which was a minor miracle and very much appreciated. Less than 2 years until that question stops! 

Anyway, you might be wondering, "how did you do this?" Was it a Pilates injury? Something while on a hike or a walk? 


I got up to pee around 3:30 am Friday night, opened the door to let the cat out of the room, went to the bathroom, and while walking back to my bed stepped on the cat I thought I'd let out, lost my balance and stepped on him AGAIN (he's fine), then rolled my ankle right off my orthotic slippers (Vionic, I highly recommend for ankle support but not for sliding out of sideways). Bryce was awoken first by the indignant caterwauling of Lucky, and then the shrieking of me as I stood on one leg like a broken flamingo and realized I could bear absolutely no weight and it was ON FIRE. 

Not the best start to a weekend. 

So, I could put some weight on it on Saturday and with the boot I felt more secure, but I'm using crutches and now I can't bear any weight at all while standing. So gallivanting around a middle school is going to be challenging. I need to get a scooter, but first I need to be able to flex enough to safely drive. I've been elevating like a good girl but that's simply not possible when I'm not home. 

OH! And I was supposed to go to my 30th high school reunion downstate this coming weekend, and that's no longer feasible either. I wonder how much of it would have been kids kids kids kids kids, and I was hoping to be pleasantly surprised, but now I guess I'll never know, or at least not until the 40th when I'm 58. Good gracious. 

Well, it is never boring to be me. I just wish I was a tad less breakable. Here's hoping I heal quickly and there's nothing weird going on that would make recovery longer. 


  1. Indeed! Here's to nothing standing in the way of a seamless and speedy recovery.

  2. Ohmygosh, Jess. I'm so sorry this happened and that your ankle is getting its own moment in the spotlight. I want to come sit with you in your cozy home with your leg up and laugh about the absurdities of human bodies. While we eat something yummy (and gluten/nut-free). xoxo
