I'm Still Here

We have a paper chain in my classroom with a link for every day before the four-day Memorial Day weekend. We put it up when we returned from spring break, which was the last week of March. It was the longest chain EVER. There will be only 3 links left tomorrow, thank all that is good in the world.

This is not to say that we don't love our jobs, it's just that autocorrect has it right and we are LIVING our jobs. And we are EXHAUSTED. I feel like so many vegetables sucked juiceless by Bunnicula. 

So I'm still here, I just get home after school and I feel completely depleted, and either read or lie facedown on the couch, after Pilates (which makes me feel better once I'm doing it). I can't seem to open the computer once I get home. And on  the weekends, when I don't have a migraine or other such ilk triggered by stress, I want to be outside. 

Outside, gardening or hanging out in our camp area at the back of our property, my anxiety melts away. I don't have flutters. I don't feel the weight of all I'm carrying. 

I'll be back more regularly soon. It's got to wind down sooner than later.

A deer friend who came by while I sat by the fire

The trail Bryce made us for our anniversary that's now woodchipped and glorious

Cooking an omelet over the fire

Bryce tending the fire

New shade garden area pre-mulch

Brunnera, carpet phlox, bleeding hearts
I expanded my birdbath garden down the hill (so many dug out roots and weedy shrubs)

Upper part of the birdbath garden, really needs mulch

These are the things that fill my bucket in a time that feels like someone is drilling holes in the bottom that I can't plug fast enough. 

Want to read more #Microblog Mondays? Go here and enjoy! 


  1. Yay for gardening! We are coming off a stint of online learning (2 weeks for everyone including elementary kids, and 5 —I think??? —for secondary .... it feels like years and years.) So this week will go by in a stupor probably till everyone adjusts again. I hope you can continue to rest and rejuvenate enough to get through the last few weeks. Everybody is pretty much done by this time even under normal circumstances, and we’ve had this additional crazy on top, in school and in the world!

    1. The crazy knows no bounds! The end is nigh, everyone needs the rest! And yeah-- hooray for gardening. Lifesaving.

  2. Your garden seems to have all these lovely paths and nooks and crannies to explore. I'm glad it helps you keep going. Only a day to go?

    1. Thank you! I love making fun spaces that could possibly be magical. On to the next chain, the FINAL COUNTDOWN!

  3. I have been on summer break for a week (in the west we start in August and end before Memorial). The relief is incredible! While moving through the year in-person I just couldn't let my body and mind reconcile with the stress it was under. But now that I am doing yoga, walking again, and sleeping 10 hours a day I feel like I am returning to my body. Prayers for you for the last stretch! We did it!!!!

    1. Oh wow, "returning to my body" -- I cannot wait for that. It sounds incredible. ALMOST THERE!

  4. I've been thinking about you and the end of the school year, especially *this* school year. Your pictures are incredible. Just looking at them put me more at ease. I can only imagine how it feels to be out there in your outdoor space. Good for you!! Keep holding on. Summer break is almost here. <3

    1. Thank you! There's really something to the healing power of nature. I haven't never felt so burnt out as I have this spring. I need a cocoon!

  5. P.S. I'm glad you're still here!! :)

  6. How many more links AFTER Memorial Day?

    Love your space!

    1. 20 including weekends for last day with students, then 4 more prep days after that. It's a short chain!

  7. I LOVE the chain idea! I hope you are enjoying your well-deserved vacation (that trail & campfire space is amazing!), and that the fall will be SO much better than this year was!
