Illicit Picnic

I am not what you would call a risk-taker. Bryce makes fun of me (gently) and calls me "Safety Jess" because I am constantly reminding us about the rules, and the safety things, and not breaking the rules, and OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU BREAKING THE RULES?. 

So it was surprising that I went along with a spontaneous plan that was definitely not within the rules yesterday. 

We had a lovely 4th of July picnic, where we found a spot, cooked up some burgers on Bryce's portable gas burner, and sat enjoying an epic view.

It was a great spot... but it was totally AGAINST THE RULES. There's a big hill with a fancy hotel/golf course at the top, and many office parks off the road going up, up, up. This was a patio at one of those office buildings.

OMG, so much rule-breaking! We cooked, we enjoyed, and we sat and read in the chairs you can't see. We also wiped down the table and left things better than we found them, which made me feel better. Especially since there was a camera on the lightpost in the parking lot, and it was pointed at the patio, and so maybe we gave a security guard something different to watch? A car pulled up at one point and I just about had a heart attack, but it sat behind that pine tree for a moment and then drove away. I wonder if they also had the idea to picnic here and then saw us and thought maybe we belonged? 

It was spontaneous. It was thrilling. It was definitely something we wouldn't have done had we had children. 

We also had the wacky idea to maybe come back and plant some drought-resistant flowers in those pots and see what happens. They are currently just overflowing with weeds. Then we could be like cat burglars who also polish the glass cases that once held the jewels, haha. It also took a lot not to weed the plantings they had around the border. 

I am proud that I didn't freak out the whole time, and that I agreed to do it. I will admit I was listening for sirens and expecting a security truck to come yell at us at any time. But, 4th of July, so many people had off and the place was deserted. So, we had a very respectful squatter's picnic and enjoyed the breeze and the view and Bryce's tasty burgers, and celebrated our nation's independence from a king which feels, um, particularly poignant at the moment. 

Happy 4th!

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