Celebrate the Things

Today is our 15th Engage-O-Versary. 

Fifteen years ago on Martin Luther King Day (I choose the holiday and not the actual date), I wrote Bryce a letter and we made a yummy fancy dinner and I sweated profusely while he read my letter that was a treatise on why we should get married. 

He said yes, thank goodness! (Bryce asked how I remember this date, and I think it's partially because I'm the one who proposed.)

We went out tonight for German food and had a little celebration. No presents, just a night out to commemorate the day. 

I think it's important to celebrate the days, big and small. We don't do anything huge, but it's a milestone -- just like June 6th will be our Bench-O-Versary, 18 years since our first date which started with coffee and in the middle resulted in smooching on a bench in a cute neighborhood. Our relationship can vote this summer! 

When you don't have kids, there aren't as many milestones and markers for time. There are fewer celebratory moments in theory, but I reject that. Find all the celebration and markers possible. It can be relationship-oriented, or job-oriented (this June I get my 15 years of service recognition from my district, that will be worth celebrating!), or personal goal related (like taking up a new hobby or cooking something new). Doesn't have to be big. 

I love that on this cold, dark, dreary day in January there's something to celebrate. 



  1. Happy 15th Engage-O-Versary! :)

    You make a good point about finding all of the milestones and time markers we can and celebrating them. So... In April it will be my 5 year Quiltaversary, haha. Time flies!!

    1. Thank you!

      I love Quiltaversary! Wow, 5 years. That's awesome, and totally worth celebrating!

  2. Congratulations! Yes, celebrate all the little things. Or even, nothing at all! I love your smoochoversary too.

  3. Oops - and what I meant to say before rashly hitting "Publish" was I hope you celebrate it by finding benches all sorts of random places on which to smooch. ;-)

    1. Oh my gosh, that is a BRILLIANT idea. We usually go visit the original bench if we can, but I think we should find many benches!

  4. Cheers to the 15th anniversary of your betrothal! To a courageous Jess and smart Bryce :-)

    And I share Mali's hope. xo

    1. Thank you thank you! I'm glad the letter did it. And it was a first -- we were second marriage people, but I'd never proposed and he'd never been proposed to, so FRESH AND NEW. :)
